How to find proof of the sun simulator

Worlds Hero
3 min readOct 14, 2020


The sun may be just a LCD with some technology behind it just to give it heat , the main videos and proof are on my page on this link .

There is a claim that whole sky is just an LCD or LED , either way its HD , now lets just say it is .

All those times in humanity when movies were being made and when people are teaching their children “ why is the sky blue” everyone thought they were so correct .

This is the way the elite wants it so that you are completely wrong and far away from the point , check out and watch the videos and you will wonder maybe its one of the truths that we should know like the flat earth .

I used to spend my time trying to make fun of shills then i met the flat earth community i was thinking oh my god there wont be a bigger community of shills ever , then one person said to me hey you are respresting deep dark truths of keywords even banned from google if you are such a good truther why are you disrespecting flat earthers i said because its a psy op they are just keeping you from the truth and he suggested me to dig deeper since i am a researcher i did .

Here is the proof of the flat earth .

When you see all the videos on my website in the flat earth section i am telling you , your mind will question it !

So i could not stop there i ended up believing in the firmament and the waters above as well i keep trying to find more and more proof .

So i even now have a collection of videos on the firmament

That should be all right , it cant be no more complicated , the sun n sky is a simulation and the earth is flat , and there is water above and space is fake , you would think there is no way this can get more complicated right ?

Wrong , now we have a new issue there are people who use a telescope to see the stars vs nasa CGI foolishness for the real sheep .

So here we go to end this article will leave you with a picture .

Each one of my articles are just a video collection about the topic .

Please tell me if anyone enjoyed .



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